An Overview of CBAM: why, what, when and how?

An Overview of CBAM: why, what, when and how? The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, so called ‘CBAM’, is an EU climate policy instrument coming into play from October 2023. It will affect many large European corporates within industry and trade that import certain...

China’s Climate Commitments

 China’s Climate Commitments What do the latest government announcements mean for China’s climate commitments? In this article we take a look at the recent government announcements relating to the China energy market and consider the historical context in which these...

Hwaseung Enterprise signs 5th PPA

HWASEUNG Enterprise  Signs 5th PPA  HWASEUNG Enterprise starts Phase-2 of the rooftop power program by signing 5th power purchase agreement with CNGRA. Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam, 25th April 2023  HWASEUNG Enterprise and CNGRA sign fifth PPA, taking the total signed...

Corporate PPAs: What’s in store for 2023?

Corporate PPAs: What’s in store for 2023? 2022 has been a busy year for our Power Purchase Agreements (PPA) team, working with corporates to navigate through what has been a complex and volatile market. Head of PPA services Katharina Winter, shares her main...
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